jeudi 22 novembre 2012

1 My plans and my hopes for Nepal

My plans and my hopes for my trip to Nepal:
My name is Isabelle DAO, and I've always wanted to meditate on the "roof ot the world', and this next spring I am going to Nepal. This journey is not just a simple hiking trip around Nepal but also a hiking trip within myself.  This explains the title of this blog.

This journey is planned for the 20th of April 2013 for 3 weeks. The first step is our arrival at KATMANDOU. We will stay two days in a guest house managed by Mathieu RICHARD. Mathieu RICHARD is a Buddhist Monk (of French origin), photographer, and author, who graduated in Cellular Genetics and has studied with the Tibetan "Grand Masters" of Buddist Meditation. He is particularly interested in the relation between science and Buddhism. He researches the long term effects of mental discipline on the human mind at the Universities of Madison (WI), Princeton, Berkley in the United States and in Switzerland.
After our stay with Mathieu Ricard, my group and I will go to the base of Mount Everest to the East of Katmandou at about 3800 meters of altitude. This is in the Buddhist region of SOLUKHUMBU, in the Sherpa Country, which was once the high spiritual and retreat center of Nepal.

Trekking and Activities:
In the morning, we will go hiking for 3 hours and in the afternoon, we will practice the fundamental techniques of Buddhist meditation, concentration and inner vision. Different techniques will be taught including Yoga, Qi Gong, relaxation, silent walking, isolation, ayurvedic massages and discussions.

The Aim of this Trip:
The goal is physical and spiritual well-being, a return to our basic qualities and to rediscover our senses.

The Teaching:
The teaching will be conducted by a Nepalese Lama Guide. We will take our time to listen, observe and live the experience and our encounter, as we breath in nature and breath out life. As in my own field of Sophrology, we will strive "to be aware of what we are actually living". Sophrology is the science of conciseness and the value of existence. It is a technique consisting of a set of physical and mental exercises for reducing stress and promoting well-being. 

7 commentaires:

  1. It sounds wonderful, Isabelle. I want to go with you. :-) Seriously, these days, I suddenly have this urge to focus on my breathing, especially when I'm stressed. Nepal seems like the perfect place to be one with ourselves. You'll have to tell me how it goes because I'll probably make the trek, myself, someday.

    I hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Hello Joe

      It would be nice to have you there but unfortunately this trip is reserved for women only. Sorry.!
      But I will give you the Nepalese Lama's adress.
      If you want I could show you some breathing method to reduce your stress.
      Enjoy your "staycation"

  2. That's ok. I'll gladly settle for some FIRSTHAND accounts of your experience on your blog, and I'll probably TAKE YOU UP ON those breathing lessons to reduce stress when I get back. :-) Thanks, Isabelle!

  3. Hello Joe

    Many thanks for the creation of this blog. I'm very happy.
    If I can help you it is with pleasure.
    This is the adress of Napalese Lama:

    Pasang kaji Lama
    Cell phone:06 79 05 25 33) France
    Fix: 03 84 86 05 72 ) " "

    Good night

    1. Hi Isabelle,

      You're very welcome, and thank you! Btw, I enjoyed reading the information that you added. Very nice. :-)

  4. Wow!!! You have a special plan in April.
    Although I can't go with you I feel very exciting about your trip.

    I read your blog and remembered the movie titled "Eat,Pray,Love",which stars actress Julia Roberts.
    The story is about one woman's trip to pray and find balance at India and Bali.
    It's just like you!

  5. Hello Manatsu

    I really have the desire to see the movie Eat,Pray,Love. Moreover I like the actrice Julia Roberts.
    Today I miss you.
    See you tomorrow.
